I applied the 2 Minute Miracle Gel but I didn’t get many of the balls of dead skin to roll up. What am I doing wrong?
Best Skin Care Dynamic Duo
I applied the 2 Minute Miracle Gel but I didn’t get many of the balls of dead skin to roll up. What am I doing wrong?
If you apply the gel and leave it on the skin too long (over three minutes), without massaging, you will still get many of the benefits but may not get optimal exfoliation. Make sure to apply the gel and do a “test rub” in approximately 45–60 seconds, after applying on dry skin. Then in 30 increments thereafter, until the gel liquefies and balls up as it starts to adhere to the dead skin. This product works 100% of the time on 100% of the customers when enjoyed properly. You are important to us as a valued customer. Please contact us directly if you do not get the optimal enjoyment this product delivers.